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Breaking Free in the EU Bubble: Why Membership Management Needs a Digital Upgrade?

Let's face it — the daily grind of juggling member data, endless admin tasks, and keeping up with member requests can turn your dream job into an administrative & IT nightmare. 

But guess what? 

There's a way out, and it involves ditching that outdated IT systems (your old Association management software/CRM/Member Area).

Imagine a workday where you can leave the mundane data entry and administrative tasks behind, freeing you up to focus on what you truly love—creative, high-impact activities centered around delighting members and driving membership growth.

Here are a few signs that it is high time for a digital makeover and change your old school Association management software/CRM/Member Area:

  • Members are getting lost between different platforms: Member area, event tools, newsletters, emails, ... between multiple log-ins, multiple plug-ins, and invitations arriving in spam boxes, your community is split and has a fragmented view of your organisation.

  • If the extranet/member area still looks the same as it did 10 years ago, it’s definitely time to move on. If there are never new features, never new evolutions, then the product is out-of-market.

  • You would like to organize a MasterClass, facilitate B2B Matchmaking, foster collaborative work, create private groups, conduct online voting, or dive into DataStories? If your current platform falls short on this, it's time for an upgrade.

  • Your association is growing, but your digital revenues are not keeping up.

  • You do not actually own 100% your community with your branding; you do not offer any personalized experience.

  • Your data and servers are not hosted in the EU. Cybersecurity is not taken seriously.

  • Your usual IT provider has locked you in a rigid long-term contract; the after-sales service is a pain; all change requests are expensive and slow.

Let's turn your chaos into seamless, impactful operations. 🚀 

Curious to find out which CRM, Extranet, Association & Membership software falls under the bad, good, and the best categories?

At Symantra, we've thoroughly benchmarked all the relevant software in the market. We have successfully migrated 150+ Business associations from substandard to exceptional CRM/Extranet solutions. 

Want to know why Membership-based orgs go for Symantra? 

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